Die To The World

The Final Solution


March 26th, 2023 by VxiPcilS8F

How do so many other religious who are confined in cloistered discipline get along? They seldom go out, they live in contemplation, their food is poor, their clothing coarse, they work hard, they speak but little, keep long vigils, rise early, pray much, read frequently, and subject themselves to all sorts of discipline. Think of the Carthusians and the Cistercians, the monks and nuns of different orders, how every night they rise to sing praise to the Lord. It would be a shame if you should grow lazy in such holy service when so many religious have already begun to rejoice in God.

Kempis, Thomas à. The Imitation of Christ

Where are You?

March 25th, 2023 by VxiPcilS8F

Learn to Die to the World…

March 25th, 2023 by VxiPcilS8F

See, then, dearly beloved, the great danger from which you can free yourself and the great fear from which you can be saved, if only you will always be wary and mindful of death. Try to live now in such a manner that at the moment of death you may be glad rather than fearful. Learn to die to the world now, that then you may begin to live with Christ. Learn to spurn all things now, that then you may freely go to Him. Chastise your body in penance now, that then you may have the confidence born of certainty.

Kempis, Thomas à.

Stay at Home…

March 25th, 2023 by VxiPcilS8F

As often as I have been among men, said one writer, I have returned less a man. We often find this to be true when we take part in long conversations. It is easier to be silent altogether than not to speak too much. To stay at home is easier than to be sufficiently on guard while away. Anyone, then, who aims to live the inner and spiritual life must go apart, with Jesus, from the crowd. No man appears in safety before the public eye unless he first relishes obscurity. No man is safe in speaking unless he loves to be silent. No man rules safely unless he is willing to be ruled. No man commands safely unless he has learned well how to obey. No man rejoices safely unless he has within him the testimony of a good conscience.

Kempis, Thomas à.

Virtuous Life

March 25th, 2023 by VxiPcilS8F

In the case of all who have passed from this world lacking a virtuous life and having had no faith, be an advocate for them, Lord, for the sake of the body which you took from them, so that from the single united body of the world we may offer up praise to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in the kingdom of heaven, an unending source of eternal life. – St. Isaac the Syrian

Morning Prayer for Death

March 25th, 2023 by VxiPcilS8F

God, the Father almighty, raised Jesus from the dead and he will give life to our own mortal bodies. We pray to him in faith: – Lord, bring us to life in Christ. Holy Father, we have been buried with your Son in baptism to rise with him in glory; may we always live in Christ and not see death for ever.

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